I admit, sometimes I just spend hours experimenting with my soft synths’ settings using Scaler2 as the “keyboard”, i.e. play various chord sequences & voicings. Nothing ever evolves into a whole musical piece from that, but is sure is fun to listen to the rich soundscapes
I Bernd, Scaler 2 is behind all keyboards and electric guitar arpeggio in this track I am producing at the moment https://www.kompoz.com/music/collaboration/1026734 . The original concept actually started playing with XO and Arturia OB-Xa played through Scaler 2.
It’s awesome, I like it! Too bad I don’t rap. I’d make the swoosh sound a bit mellower/quiter, as it comes across as a bit sharp for a chill mood.
I like it, Dan! One couldn’t really hear the Scaler influence until the pizzicato strings set in at 1:28
Interesting you named your piece “perseverance” - I had experimented with a series called “patience” around the first few weeks of the pandemic lockdown. It is fascinating to see how folks are processing these uncertain times with making music.
No matter how much I experiment with chord progressions and “harmonies”, I keep ending up producing something straight from a movie (usually suspense, horror, or sadness). I wonder why that is? Is it that electronic music lends itself for such genre with its potential for unusual resonances?
This sketch is based on the Scaler 2 Artists section “Alexkid->Detroit”, performed with “Adagio->Accento” on. Aside from the Scaler 2 soft piano, the pads are played by Arturia Pigments’ Atlantis patch.
Hey, Bernd,
Hope you don’t mind, but I uploaded a file into your compilation. My first proper go at scaler, and really my first go at producing anything! Feedback very welcome
Hey Nick, of course! I forgot to say that was the intent of creating the Kompoz project, to invite others to share their work, if they don’t already have a forum where they can post and share with others. Would be fun to put a project together that was entirely driven by Scaler & and its users, then D&E could use it for the marketing
I made chord trigger tracks for various song parts then had that picked up by scaler instances driving virtual instruments.
With the syncing function, it allowed a interesting testing of various keys and chord sets, as the whole thing updated on any change. What a piece of software, completely amazing.
now I am quite busy, and composing music is one of my 3 hobbies, so my tunes need a lot of time to be completed
when my new rock album (surely all made with Scaler 2) will be completed I’ll let you know
in the meanwhile I leave here the link to my first rock album in case you don’t know where throwing your rotten eggs
This is all Scaler 2.09 chords with 2 scaler instances. One the strings and floaty stuff and the other piano.
Dividing High and Low voices with the pitch transpose and a M4L device in Ableton Live. Still a work in progress. Obscure Sorrow