More than 8 chords per pattern?

I am new to this amazing tool, and I wonder if there is a way to extend the patterns beyond the 8 slots?

8 slots is simply not close to enough for even one single chord progression for mer personally, as I like to use passing chords, added inversions etc. And I still want to have each pattern represent a complete chord progressions for a section of my compositions.

Therefore, I would like to basically double the slots for a pattern, to make it 16 instead of 8.


You can create multiple patterns and chain them together (Command - Click) so they play through continuously, you can even see them all at the same time in Pad View

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Yes I know that I can create multiple patterns, but I want each pattern to represent 1 complete chord progression.

What I want is to extend Pattern 1 (let’s say that is my verse), to 16 slots instead of 8. Right now I might get my cadence at slot 4 in pattern 2, which makes no sense as I named Pattern 1 (Verse). I want to name each pattern as the corresponding section of my composition. For easy drag and drop, playback of chord progression patterns etc.


Thanks for feedback, there’s always going to be limitations but this is one that can be mitigated in many ways (play through, key switch. midi capture, drag and drop, daw sync). Your the first to mention so if we get more feedback of the sorts we may take a look at ways of improving.

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When I record the chord progression in the top part of the GUI, I can add more than 8 chords. It adds a scroll bar. I basically want the same for the patterns as well. Is that possible in the current version, or should I add a feature request? :smiley:

Screenshot 2020-06-03 12.23.29


If we added the scroll bar to section C we would lose the keyswitching functionality and also would throw out keys-lock and all the other things we like to apply to bound areas as they would become too large.

Ah, good point. I’m not a developer or designer so I just think “this would be great to have” haha. Anyway: I have to say, having direct access in a forum to the devs, huge respect to you! :smiley:

I know I am a power user as a professional working composer, so I hope you don’t mind if I stick around in this forum adding my suggestions to improve on this already amazing tool.

PS. I am an affiliate of Plugin Boutique, and my video review of Scaler 2 already got you some sales. I also run the Professional Composers Forum (using Discourse like you). :wink:

Huge fan of what you’ve done with Scaler! :slight_smile:


Great video and great forum. Thanks for the support :pray:


Hi all,

One of my suggestions would have been to extend the Pattern Chords to 12. Even if Scaler was not designed for live performance, it can be a super useful tool if we could extend the number of chords in a pattern.


Thanks, and btw…I did not even realize I could trigger key switches to change the patterns. My god, that is amazing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of secrets for you to discover. Check these if you have time:

PS Multi pattens playback in PAD view is going to be improved (they currently won’t play through automatically in PAD view).


I got caught by this only today. The limit of 8 I understand from a gui point of view, but I’d be very happy to have longer. I haven’t read enough of the manual to know about the chaining. Only had it a few days!

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You could give people the choice


I found Scaler about 6 months ago and my first post was “… I need a larger chord chart. Who builds a song with only 8 bars…?” What I have discovered since that first post is that Scaler requires a different work flow then I was accustomed to. The song form needs to be compiled in my DAW with parts instead of dumping in the entire chart at one time. I am getting use to it and believe (hope) it is enhancing my final work product. Time will tell. Still lovin and learnin Scaler.


I also would like to have more than 4. Would be very helpful for organizational purposes

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Cannot see how to do this. What do you select - the pattern number or the chords in both patterns?

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Hey guys, I too would like more than 8 for a pattern. Perhaps in an upcoming patch, you could make patterns resizable arrays? Maybe you could allow for patterns that are multiples of four, and in the future, move to patterns of any size?

Overall, Scaler 2 is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much!

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I’m on board for more flexibility regarding pattern length as well.

Also the ability to chain patterns together would be very useful as well. Have 2 follow 1, 3 follow 2 etc…

I’d also love to be able to see a whole song. Currently when you load a song, it’s in a single lane and you have to scroll to see the whole thing. This is a buzz kill. Why not have it open in multiple lanes so you can see the whole thing?

Many things to sort out creating such a complex tool and I think you guys did a spectacular job. We all have our workflows and preferences. Those points I brought up would really make the workflow perfect for me.


You can reorder Patterns, rename Patterns and chain Patterns to play through them. You can see them all in PAD view and key switch through each pattern!

I agree that it would be useful to not be limited to 8 chords; creatively speaking, putting things in groups of 8 is a bit limiting in terms of movement through the progression and might encourage “blocky” harmony. I usually like to switch between different inversions/voicings or add/remove extensions on the same chord to help it lead and move fluidly to other chords, and only having 8 is a bit tricky. Key switching is viable I guess but it doesn’t really seem like the most intuitive or practical way to “play” the chords.

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