So happy to have found you! I’m a singer/songwriter. I have always felt trapped by my lack of music training to accompany myself. I’m excited and frustrated!
I purchased a new Arturia MiniLab mkll
So I also have Ableton lite to set up.
I have them in correctly with ableton ie…
No custom folders for vst2 & 3.
The biggest issue is that when scaler is in the track in GarageBand and I hit play it triggers something and I have a loud noise from the speakers. I have isolated this down to nothing but my laptop only & scaler with no interface, and still, the loud sound coming from the speakers when I hit play from GarageBand.
This is the last thing to take care of. Scaler is detecting audio in GB, I just need to get rid of the sound it is generating! I look forward to the fix so I can learn and create!
Thanks for giving me this gift!
You will have this “loud noise” until you register the software. Once Scaler is properly licensed the noise will cease. It caught me by surprise the first time, too.
If you have already properly licensed Scaler, then please ignore this post and further describe the sound you are hearing.
I’m sure I have it registered, lol
I remember getting the code and adding it from my product page into scaler on the intake page however it still may Not be registered.
It’s almost done, everything seems to be functioning except that noise.
Is there a way I can confirm registration?
I appreciate the support
Open Scaler2 inside the daw.
Close the splash screen if it appears.
Click on the Settings cog wheel.
Click on Help (next to Settings).
Click on Registration (menu left).
I isolated it to just my computer MacBook Pro, garage band and scaler.
I have the audio inside the track, audio 2 scaler.
They are working together with scaler actually detecting the audio! Hurray!
I just have this horrendous sound coming from my speaker. It’s not there under any other circumstance when I play my music, it’s not there. I raise the volume, it’s not there! it’s almost like an overload, like it’s too loud
I sure hope I can either resolve this or get it set up in Ableton. I watched the videos for both GarageBand and Ableton set up.
Can you please send a link to Ableton that is not video? Pictures with directions?