Logic Studio Strings Articulations Not Working with Scaler 2.4

Hi Scaler: I am having an issue in Logic Pro X. With Studio Strings and Scaler 2.4, if Scaler is enables as a MIDI FX, Studio Strings will not play the Articulations other than Sustain.

This is reproducible. I am not sure if this is a bug, but it seems like Scaler is preventing some information from passing to Studio Strings to trigger the articulation. So for example, if you change the articulation from Sustain to Staccato with Scaler enables on the MIDI FX insert, it will only play Sustain. If you turn of Scaler, it will play Staccato.

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Sorry, forgot to include my system. I am using MacOS 11.4, Logic 10.6.2 and Scaler 2.4, if that information helps.

Are you using key switches to switch articulations? If so Scaler might be sending a note in the range that triggers the sustain art. Are the key switches below where Scaler is playing? Scaler is not really design to avoid key switches, that would be up to you.

Hi there I’m having the same issue have you managed to resolve it ??

Hi @j3groove

This does not seem to be the expected behavior. I will raise the issue with the rest of the team.

Now I understand this is Logic’s own Studio Strings - yes this behaves exactly the same way for me. No matter what articulation you choose it always plays sustains. Bypass Scaler and Strings play fine.

This is happening with all midi FX not just scaler so I assume its something on Studio Strings side.

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