iPad Bluetooth settings issue

Ive reposted this as a bug report as it’s not satisfactory given we’re now at 2.9 and - at least on my iPad Air 2. This issue prevents me from using BT midi.

Currently the list box controls in settings for MIDi inputs and outputs are tiny - only showing two names.

This is clearly sub optimal - given just how much space is there.

( or do the list boxes actually grow according to how many devices are actually detected? )

Anyway as currently;y implemented its just rather fiddly

Hey @nonchai I agree. There are so many things fiddly in the Scaler 2 iOS implementation It was very difficult to get it all to be fully featured whilst accommodating screen real estate and touch controls. We did a reasonable job but many things we not ideal.
This is end of life for Scaler 2 and we are completely overhauling all elements of Scaler. iPad has been deeply considered from the beginning for this next major iteration so we are confident of a much better experience when we get there.

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thanks for getting back-

I have to say the level of support and steady -free - updates to this product reminds me of a quite different product that has been supported and rightly loved by its user base - and that is the Line6 Helix. Now at version 3.7 firmware (and as it happens almost a 10 year old product )

Anyway - keep up the good work and can’t wait for 3.0

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