Amazing what a well chosen chord progression with some improvised guitar and effects can do… (not my work)
Now if only having a way to feed Scaler chord progressions into a guitar and opportunistic effects
Amazing what a well chosen chord progression with some improvised guitar and effects can do… (not my work)
Now if only having a way to feed Scaler chord progressions into a guitar and opportunistic effects
Initially, I thought “I don’t recall @Bernd saying he’d taken up guitar” - but he hasn’t. However, what a really great track to share - thanks! (Exactly what I would aspire to, but beyond me, so the axe sits forlornly in the corner
… got all the kit to do this, but not the skills
Sorry for the confusiohn, never intended to create the impression that I created that masterpiece. Thought it was obvious from the Youtube credits/title.
I don’t play physical instruments. But one could be tempted to do so… but then, I wonder whether something like this would be doable with some of the guitar libraries and special effects…
be curious as to what the original musician actually used
That was me being thick, rather than any confusion by you. Thanks for the pointer, and I’ll be d/ling more of that guy.
I’m pretty sure that this could be done on a keyboard reasonably well, but I think it would certainly need after touch, and preferably key after touch rather than channel, so that you have three degrees of freedom i.e. mod, velocity and pressure to get a good patch.
One classic is the Eric Persing ‘Wailing Guitar’ for the JD-800 andJD-990
The Roland Zen core has an ‘emulation’, but I decided not to go the Roland Zenology route because they didn’t model the synth, merely tried to emulate the patches. Not the same thing more more importantly, I wouldn’t be able to use the 5,000 JD patches I have, as the Zen gizmo does speak JD Sysex.
OK, this inspired me a bit tonight. Ambient-ish song.