I load a chord set and start playing chord progressions, example:
When I have something I like I hit record on Logic, the region looks like this:
All good until I want to see the chord’s actual MIDI notes in my region. Now I have to drag chosen chords to make a new chord set and use the export MIDI button to drag MIDI file to my region:
This gives me all chord notes but that’s not my performance, its all same length. I have to work a lot with this to get that to something I performed.:
Solution: MIDI FX Freeze Plugin (Free)
Record your performance with Scalar (like before) then just load this MIDI FX Plugin under Scaler:
Hit record button on the plugin and play the performance:
This will capture MIDI of performance that you can drag to region & you get this:
This video from developer shows how it works (shown with Logic’s Chord Trigger MIDI FX in this)