Question on the Guitar Display. As a Non Music Theorist and especially not a Guitar player, I’m not sure how I might interpret the Note read out on the display here.
For a complex Jazz Chord with 7th, 9th, 13ths even, that I am playing on a Piano I would like to try and strum that chord on a Guitar myself.
It seems to display so many notes and too Far apart for a Hand position. Obviously I cannot include as many notes as the Piano Chord itself but as a Newbie is there any advice how to interpret the read out so I can figure out what might be the best way to get close to the original Piano chord itself?.
Thanks for your question, and happy to read you are trying to translate what Scaler shows you on your guitar
Here is some info from another post on a similar question:
The guitar contains multiple times the same notes at different positions. You can see this when hovering your mouse pointer over the fretboard. Each note highlights its positions. The 4 different positions of “C3” are highlighted on the fretboard:
The more visible highlight shows the notes composing the chord, they are the notes you would press on a piano. When playing the chord, they are the notes that become bright blue.
On the guitar the way you “voice” a chord isn’t always the same than on a piano. You are limited to 6 notes maximum (1 per string). The secondary highlight helps you find all the other position of the notes that compose your chord.
Here’s a quick example where I manually added colors to show 3 positions you could choose. The top one is just the normal Scaler view when highlighting a Cmaj. Below are different positions where I could play my chord.
We are always playing C, E, G using the 6 strings and a different order. It gives a slightly different feel to your chord. They are inversions or voicings of the same chord.
Of course this is a simple example, and your skills on the guitar will make some chords easier to voice than others
Let me know if this helps or if you need more info
I have a little 5 note midi melody that plays in order C, G, D, E and G#.
I see the read out highlights the various positions to play them via Fret board but I find for example the 2nd note in the melody “G” is not shown as an open string option (and its much easier in this case) but only shows fretted notes.
The alternative fingering position are only displayed when hovering over a chord. For individual notes the Fretboard shows the exact position of the MIDI note, at the correct octave.
This is why you don’t see the open string position because it would play a G higher or lower than the one you have in your melody.