Drag into MIDI, smart chord matching

Can SCALER realize intelligent chord matching in the future?
For example, drag and drop a MIDI into it, record a MIDI
Then it automatically matches the chord progression

What do you mean - “Smart Chord Matching”? It matches chords with MIDI already and it keeps getting better. Right now I drop MIDI into Scaler and it tells me the chords.

Is there a short video demonstration?

Have you not used Scaler to detect MIDI chords? I thought this had been discussed before. Maybe you’re wanting something else. You just drag and drop MIDI onto Scaler and it will tell you what the chords are and add them to section A.

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I put it in MIDI, and the corresponding chord progression does not appear.

They just look like a stream of notes, analysed as A minor probably because Scaler assumed that was the root.

To recognise chords reliably IMHO, Scaler needs realistically 3 simultaneous notes - a triad - or it is hard for it to determine ‘tonality’.

There have been various discussions here about the interpretation of ‘one note’ chords and ‘diads’, I never got the one note proposal, but some documents define chords as two or more notes. for example, A +E might be defined as an A5, but it seems to me there is ambiguity about the tonality here.

Anyway, check your midi file to see if you actually have ‘chords’ in there.

The intelligence I think is, can you directly arrange the chords directly?
However, I’ve heard that EZKEY can do it.

I know that you are looking for instant answers to harmonizing a melody. And when I say harmonize I mean adding 1 or more notes per melody note to create a progression of some sort, either dyads up to multi-layer harmony i.e. full chords. Scaler might do that someday. David has a video of himself harmonizing a melody, it’s not instant but he’s pretty fast. In any event this is a post from a composers forum I hang out at. It’s good advice but not what you are looking for, I’m sure. -----

First of all, one important thing to realize is that harmonic systems never can tell you what is correct in a specific situation you encounter.
Good harmonic systems give insight of what could work in a situation, while most harmonic systems are superimposed (and usually insufficient) generalisations without any deep insight.

If it’s about understanding the psychological meaning of certain harmonic and melodic structures, the so called “Affektenlehre” - (Doctrine of the Affections) the semantical system that was a central foundation of the music between the Renaissance up till around 1920 - is still unmatched.
It’s so fantastic because it deals with the logic of emotions and therefore it incorporates lots of knowledge that is basically based on evidence based psychoacoustics.
Unfortunately, this whole topic is mostly (as it seems to me) not only completely ignored but also quite unknown - specially in the English speaking world.

However, generally speaking: if it comes to finding the appropriate harmony, the only reliable system that always works, is a developed inner hearing. It needs (lots of) training, but once you reach the point where your inner hearing anticipates the chord that has to follow, it will completely change your thinking (and composing).

Another tip: one of the most useful fields of study is to look at sketches/drafts from famous composers.
By comparing their initial ideas and by watching their process of developing/changing solutions to the final one, you can usually learn much more about harmony (and the question why something is perfect in a specific context) than by most other theoretical approaches. [I will never forget the impact that the analysis of Stravinsky’s sketches to the “Sacre du Printemps” had on me. It was a complete eye-opener]
------ Siegfried Friedrich, Composer

Food for thought.


This is indeed the case.
A single melody line can be paired with an infinite number of chord progression possibilities if you study it in depth.
I mean, as a professional chord software, it can be smart and recommend some common chord progressions for the melody line. This will increase the speed and can also be used as a reference. The most important thing is to attract more beginners to like SCALER

I think musicians should trust their own ears if the chord cycle sounds good to their own ears then that’s good. If the chord cycle sounds bad then it hardly sounds good to other ears either. That’s why at least I personally like the Scaler way.


However, did you find a problem. Sometimes because of people’s mood changes, mood problems or hard work, the ear will make some judgment errors.
Sometimes it feels good tonight, and it sucks to listen to it tomorrow morning.

That is true too. It often happens.

Hi fellow forum members.
Given the insistent questions from fellow Swingmix about how Scaler could intelligently solve a melody, it occurred to me to make a brief explanation about how I just did it (in about 15 minutes). In fact I’m going to spend more time explaining it than doing it, hehe
Starting from these melody notes, detected in Scaler as simple notes and not as chords (logically), we observe that Scaler detects that these notes are common to several scales, placing them in order of importance according to the coincidence of notes in said scales.
I have chosen the 1st one listed, which is A minor.
I have arranged the notes of the melody in the order and values ​​that I liked (this can be done in many ways, of course) and I have arranged chords of the A minor scale in order using a bit of ear and trying what might sound best. .
This is one of many attempts that can be made. I encourage you to try other ways and share them.
After having the chords in order I have placed different instruments on tracks; some playing the chords themselves and others playing arpeggiated on those chords.
Lastly, I’ve placed the chord progression on the Scaler track and applied a Midi Capture, which I’ve used in the same way on the final part.
This is the result you can hear here
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I think he means that “related counterpoint chords” same root but different related chords at the sametime…This is really good ability for a midi generator.A complex locked harmonization worh counterpoint chords suggestions…

We’ve got some artists exploring some interesting things at the moment. Harmonisation is a natural evolution for scaler.

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Correct me if I’m wrong but surely the harmony is already there? It detects the scale of the melody & gives you a set of degrees that are mapped to the keys with one mouse click. But even better than that is the chord suggestions that can take you out of the scale & produce far more imo interesting results.
I personally hope scaler doesn’t go down an Ai route if that’s what is being discussed hear where it will try & do it all for you. But tools to help with structure & understanding of harmony would be welcome.
I know there is a lot about harmony within the structure of a song that i have been thinking a great deal about recently, for example hearing a chord progression i make & that progression is saying something & although it sounds good its sound like its only part of a bigger structure. So beyond the basics of tension & resolve its something i don’t fully grasp & probably a barrier to completing music.


This. I personally have no interest in scaler implementing cold AI. There’s hundreds of other pieces of software that will do that. Like everything else in scaler the content is created by artists and the workflow is discussed by producers and then we chat with the developers and we find the best way forward. That’s what’s made scaler special. It feels right.


Unfortunately I can only give 1 like … the future of Scaler looks bright.

PS: I followed your suggestions on my ‘stereo piano’ and it improved 200%