Have to say that I have been disappointed with latest vrs 1.8. I have reverted back to 1 1.7 because new vrs seems glitchy when working with my DAW (Mixcraft). Audio output makes stuttering starts with many of the new Synths. On the whole I think Scaler is excellent vst plug in but I think that making new Synths is not the way forward for this plug in. There are much better syths in my DAW to be had and I don’t really consider Scaler for my synth sounds instead I find the strength of Scaler to be as a composition aid. I really think that this is where you should be concentrating your efforts rather than as a synth maker. This is my opinion and many might differ. Vrs 1.8 is not really a step forward in my opinion but I still really like 1.7!
I just purchased 1.8 and I couldn’t even get it loaded into my DAW ( mixcraft 8 Pro Studio) I reached out to support and they responded very quick and pointed me in the forums direction. that’s when I saw your post. I was wondering where can I find 1.7? I requested a refund because I never activated the plugin nor registered it. I really would like to have this plugin in my collection of plugin and would much have a working plugin and not have to be refunded. I’v requested a downgrade to 1.7 and they can keep the money. how did you even get 1.8 to open in Mixcraft? it keeps showing as an unable to load in my mixcraft plugin management file. thank you so much for your post it was very helpful.
Vrs 1.8 causes Mixcraft to crash but not until I actually close the program (Mixcraft). I can’t tell you what makes it work on start but it does. As for vrs 1.17 you will have to ask them @Scaler for a link because I got mine ages ago when that was the latest vrs of the plugin. For vrs 1.8 there is a fix that I am aware of which is mentioned somewhere on this forum. Personally I haven’t tried it yet so I don’t really know if it works. I made a comment on the topic so I may be able to locate it or possibly you can as well. It relates to where you locate the plugin which is not as recommended you must locate it in a different place. If I find it again I will give you a link.
Here it is
Solution ???
Its easy to get vrs 1.7. Just Log in to your Plug in Boutique account which shows your purchased products- Select Scaler until you have this Page. Under Download select the vrs that you wish to download in your case chose vrs 1.7. heres a visual of what you should be looking for. Dont forget to chose Windows vrsion since you are using Mixcraft !
Finally in reference to MIxcraft- sometimes Mixcraft isolates or quarantines some plug ins. There is a way to work around. Look under Preferences Tab in Mixcraft and show plug ins. Again you may have to actually put in address where you want Mixcraft to go look for the Plugin.
Here’s what you should see
Go to Button ‘Manage Plugins’ and select that
Then select Disabled Plugins