detect key of guitar riff

hey! im using scaler2 audio to check the key of my guitar riff, but its not detecting notes, its just detecting chords. how do I set it to detect individual notes and tell me the key? there are no chords in the recording riff, its all just single note.

Actually, this is what Scaler audio was developed to IMHO: finding chords (then the key), not notes :wink:

Hi @scalernoob

Welcome to the forum.

As @ClaudioPorcellana said Scaler is originally intended to detect the key of any music plated into it. I have just played a melody into Scaler using a keyboard and it detected single notes when I played single notes and chords when I played chords (note that Scaler 2.9 does not record note lengths).

However it doesn’t just detect “the key” but instead identifies a set of possible keys in Section B. In my example above the suggestions start with C maj with alternatives below it,

This is because a melody or riff may be played in a number of different keys and the shorter the melody or riff then the greater the number of possible keys that it will fit. So Scaler gives you, the composer, a list of suggestions form which you can pick the most appropriate one fo ryour song.

Having said this I have found that, like you, Scaler Audio is generating chords from single notes in a riff (is this a bug or is Scaler converting the notes into chords as a harmony?). As you are recording your guitar riff in Scaler I think you may have to record the guitar riff as a midi clip and then detect it with Scaler.

NB If you right-click on teh notes in Section A you will get a drop-down menu with an optin to convert notes to Unison chords, and the rif canthen be dragged into Section C,

Hope this helps.

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I never got it
I believed that playing single notes produced chords as well
Good to know Ed