I suspect they are all eager for RAM, but I would like to have a confirmation, or better the opposite
Ableton Live 9 sucks about 2GB RAM just opened, i.e doing nothing
is it regular?
there are other DAWs that are about as simple to use as Ableton Live but less demanding?
Hi Claudio,
Reaper is very powerful and not expensive. When I bought it the first time, I believe it took more than three or four years before they changed the version and in the meantime there was a ton of updates for free. Developers’ base is huge and there are improvements very often. Unlikely Ableton Live (limit of 16 tracks), Reaper can use as much tracks as your hard disk can receive
I can even open Ableton into it, so that transferring Ableton projects is done super easy
and opened together they use less RAM than Ableton alone!
immediately acquired so thanks a lot for the advice Mike
about Ableton projects I found a lot easier just exporting and importing MIDIs
and when issues jumped out (out-of-tune, plugins lost, etc.) I simply exported and imported WAV files
I’m glad you like Reaper. Check for themes - there are some looking almost as Abletone. And they are modifiable. Generally, it works very fine with Scaler and when there is an issue, David and the Scaler guys fix it quickly.