Cubase 14 artist

Hi, I need your help to configure Scaler 2 in Cubase 14 Artist, in Kontakt 8 so that I can use Kontakt instruments in Scaler 2 for MK3 keyboard.
Mac Studio 15,0,1

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Ensure Cubase 14 Audio Outputs connected. (third row, top of page)

Place Scaler2 (not scaler_2) in instrument midi track. Select desired Scaler2 options.(such as “phrases” “key lock” in top performance selection panel of scaler and “BIND section A” on right side scaler check box.
On left hand side “inspector” column select “routing”. Drop down menu select “(your) keyboard” input.

Place Kontakt instrument on midi track.
Send to “Stereo 1”.
turn “stereo 1” on in mix console.
On left hand side “inspector” column select “routing”. Drop down and select
“Scaler2” midi out.

Select both Scaler2 track and Kontakt instrument track. Turn on “S” and “Record Enable” on both tracks.

You should now be able to play your kontakt instrument through scaler2 on your keyboard.

(Took me a while to figure it out because I haven’t used that mode before, but the result is amazing! Have fun!)

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