I wonder if it’s possible to have a feature which shows all of the available voicing for a particular chord.
For example, I may have decided that my composition needs a Dm in it but I would like to explore the different types of Dm i.e. a Dm7, a Dm9, a Dm13, etc.
If there is already a way to do this in Scaler, I can’t find it but I believe that it would be a useful feature addition for composers.
Wellcome, Martski131
There are many ways in Scaler to choose the chord.
In the tabs that I have colored you can find the best shapes to hear and choose. Test it
Hello @Martski131 and welcome to Scaler.
As @jjfagot says you can find some variatons on the MAIN page of Scaler, but if you want to delve deeper than I think you should look at the CHORD page.
To help you I’ve just created a short tutorial on the CHORD page entitled Searching for Chord Variations and Extensions.
Hope this helps
Hi jjfagot and ed66,
A big thank you to both of you for your excellent ideas and assistance.
ed66 your tutorial is terrific. I can’t wait to try it out!
It should be made into a PDF as a download!
Hi @Martski131 thank you for the feedback. If you want to download the tutorial as a pdf I do this on my Chrome browser on Windows 10 by doing ctrl-p to Print and selecting microsoft to pdf as the print engine.
I have created a separate PDF myself based on your tutorial.
I can send it to you if you like and you can place it online for others.
Let me know.
Thank you for the offer, I’ll get back to you on this.