I noticed on plugin boutique that cakewalk by bandlab is not listed on the supported DAWs. Will Scaler work on Cakewalk by Bandlab?
Scaler works great in Cakewalk. Give the demo a try.
In Scaler VST2 drop down menu at top, enable Midi Out.
And fiddle with Input Echo on Scaler and on Instrument you are using to get sound from Scaler.
- Create an instrument track (or audio+MIDI track pair) using SCALER. It is important the plug-in has a complete routing even though it does not actually create audio data.
- Make sure “Enable MIDI Output” is selected in the VST2/VST3 drop down
- Set the input to your controller and enable input echo
- On the synth to be driven by the plug-in, set the input to the SCALER.
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Awesome. I will give the demo a try then. I really appreciate you helping me out with my question