I have ‘perform - rhythms - common 7’ active and doing MIDI CAPTURE using Scaler 2.9 and logic 11.1.2
no voice grouping, multi voice output off, tried working all sorts of combinations of selecting midi channels, and doing all the things I’ve read in other threads. This is creating an untenable situation for me and really messing with production to the point where I’m about to shelve this software.
What happens: the first 24 ticks of each note of each chord precede the sustained chords I need, offsetting everything 24 ticks. I’d send a pic but appears I cannot attache an image off my desktop for some reason.
imagine this below is a 3 note chord, The first $ is the 24-50 ticks of midi I didn’t ask for. The length of the note varies a little. The remainder $$$$$$ is what I need. I don’t need the short pieces and cannot for the life of me figure out how to stop this from happening. Any help is appreciated.
I created a transformer in logic to select-only everything under 0 0 0 75 length and then I delete it, finally I move the offset notes into place. This seems ridiculous to have to do this.
$ $$$$$$$
$ $$$$$$$
$ $$$$$$$