Posting this as a kind of Thank You card to David for the very good modulation video he did. Nice work. I was first introduced to this kind of modulation by a professor in college.
There was a good post about Keys and Moods and, while I do maintain that we shouldn’t be limited or prejudiced by these descriptions, on the other hand, like Chess Openings, which record moves by the best players, there’s no doubt some good insights, at advanced levels of composition and theory (well in advanced of my own), into keys and their moods and so on. So, use it, but don’t be used by it.
Here’s an advanced set of music theory videos that delve into this complex but fascinating topic with a classical music composer and educator.
Thanks to David, Ed and the Scaler team and posters here for sharing your insights and experiences.
Riemannian Transformations: Part 1 Schillinger Caught in the Tonnetz