1.8 Update is awesome, really! But making the update unmute the internal sound in every Scaler instances like it did with 1.5 I believe (see: Scaler Update and Mute button) !!! Pleaseee, hope this is just an oversight from your part and you will release a fix.
You understand that we can’t click on every mute button in any Scaler instance of a project every time there is an update…
this issue didn’t come up in our testing so we might have missed something. We will have a look and get this sorted.
We usually try to release a minor update a few weeks after a new version and this looks like a good candidate for being part of a fix.
Thanks for letting us know and sorry we didn’t catch it in time.
Here is the feedback I can give:
-With Reaper, any Scaler instances in every project I have opened have now the internal sound unmuted
-With Cubase 10 (10.0.20), it is quite odd. For some projects I have opened they have now the internal sound unmuted but for some others they don’t have the internal sound unmuted it is actually still muted ?