Would love to see Midi-Phrase-Browsing similar to EZKeys

They are almost arbitrary, think of them as feel based and loosely put in their respective categories of ‘con amore’ (with love), ‘con fuoco’ (with fire), ‘con moto’ (with motion), ‘con spirito’ (with spirit) to get a feel for why they are in those categories; emotional, lively, rhythmical, ethereal (respectively).

The Performances are from slowest to fastest in their categories, think adagio (slowest), moderato (moderate!), espressivo (expressive) and Vivace (lively). Likewise Rhythms are from slowest to fastest. We could of used 1,2,3,4 but given Italian is used in musical feel and rhythm it made sense to use something as intended. I think what we have planned for future will help greatly and remove the general confusion with the Italian naming!

Excellent and thank you for the help here @TMacD

I get that but CE is just a synth, based on templates that have been around for eons thanks to masters Bob Moog, Dave Smith, Tom Oberheim et all. I was only trying to emulate there. Scaler is its own beast born and bred from raw ideas we all threw into a live burning pot!!!

No need, this is from our stables so here’s a translation of most of them and may help you understand where we were coming from!

Scaler 2 Performance Descriptions Public.pdf (433.8 KB)

ma como sei cattivo!!!


You are right!
It’s my fault I am not willing to study the basic of classical music
I am sure the teacher @jjfagot would put me out his school

Hahaha In class we do the basics: teach if you don’t know. Attached photo of an old metronome. Now they are all digital, but in these old ones you can see that the nomenclatures for the beats per minute have assigned names, which have always been written in Italian for musicians. They are not that complicated to understand for those of us who speak Latin, but I understand that languages that do not have a Latin origin have some small problem. Anyway, as far as I know, in music schools around the world its meaning was always taught, since otherwise it would be more difficult to interpret the works of Bach, Mozart, Verdi, Vivaldi, and a very long etc. By the way, it seems incredible to me that they wrote so much and so good without having the music programs that we have, hehehe

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I have no problem understanding the non-latin language of Mozart or Bach :wink: Even though I always wondered about why the German scale “B” was an “H”, until I learned that J.S. Bach wanted to see his name in the Scale :wink:

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I am collecting tons of surprises here

Hi again—thank you, David, and the other contributors on this thread. I appreciate the advice and points of view. I will go and learn some Italian—would you believe that never occurred to me? Yes, thinking about it, it very likely did occur to you! :wink: In any case, I am grateful for the clarity and the kindness. :slight_smile:

Now I want to upvote the idea that future Scaler UI should include an image of this anqique metronome :wink:

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Fascinating thread … I happened to have Spectrasonics Omnisphere up and the patch showing was “Revenge of the Electric Toothbrush”. This is syntax without semantics; it’s English, but I have no idea what it might sound like. In fact, I’d do much better at guessing the Italian tags in Scaler than with American patch naming … and Omnisphere has another 11,999 patches mostly with equally obscure names (said he reaching for his Italian dictionary to get some sanity back from opening Scaler) :roll_eyes:

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It’s nice to be able to go as directly as possible to the patch that sounds like what you are hearing in your head. When you have to listen to many many patches to find the one that you like, you have distorted the memory or your original idea.

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Browsing all them could be a nightmare

funny but true

so what we need is a Shazam inspired AI that you whistle, sing, or beatbox into and it then returns presets similar to your expressed sounds.

Or better a DOC (digital-to-organic) linked with the amygdala…
Music and brain

BTW, if you like going deeper

Only in Italian, sorry