Ventura OS bugs?

Tho I appreciate the list, however near on all of the plugins I have from said companies are running fine in Ventura. So though they might not have declared official support most don’t need to as there are not problems.

Also this seems to be a bug that spans multiple OS as seen here Scaler 2.5 Logic 10.7.1 macOS Monterey MIDI FX Stuck Ghost Note UNUSABLE! - #17 by Ctrl so I don’t know how far we’re supposed to roll back our OS?

Also, we could put it down to personal preference. But as a fairly successful music producer that works on CPU heavy projects I personally I want the best optimisation for the M1/M2 systems which as now used in majority of high end studios I’ve been in lately. But most importantly myself and many others update for security reasons, and I think it’s important to support those that do (esp with the IOS app, updates are essential at times).

But again, I’m a fan and respect your opinion. Just there are people with new Mac’s wanting to use your software. I want to show others how great it is, but it’s a little embarrassing when I can’t explain why it’s triggering random notes during a writing session thats all.