Scaler 2.5

I’ll try it for sure, thanks

Wot, Trancy stuff ?? a sudden appreciation of the genre ? :grin:


Well done. I purchased Scaler 2.5 though I have been in this group when I didn’t own a copy for educational purposes.

I am excited by the new features and can’t wait to release much improved music.

Thank you Scaler Development team and plugin boutique.

I managed to get it with LEVELS by mastering the mix.

A lot of producers in Africa are not aware of Scaler and it’s features. I hope to learn enough to create awareness amongst our bedroom producers on the Motherland.

Keep up the excellent work.:fire::boom::volcano:

With Scaler luv from Africa.:kissing_heart::heartbeat::sparkling_heart:


It’s very interesting having an African musician onboard

I love African music and dances, and I also tried to use Scaler, for example in the Fela Kuti mood

but having an African producer that possibly shares his work-flow could be much interesting
You are welcome

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You forget that I always use un-matched styles, don’t you?

Oh yes… Thank again…

great to have you here @kafulu ! What I really treasure about this community how internationally diverse it is. Speaks to how the Scaler concept appeals to many different cultures…and how music unites :slight_smile:

Sorry for the basic question but how do you download the upgrade? Is there a cost to upgrade from 2? No issue with that if it is reasonable! How do you obtain? I am looking forward to the enhanced guitar capabilities. You guys do great work!! Been out of personal composing for awhile as I am working on a friends album project. Looking forward to using Scaler again!

In your Plugin Boutique account / Updates

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Download the update from your account on Plug-in Boutique. No cost from version 2.

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I was a bit sceptical of the chord suggestion but its really good. I love that its tonal. My only slight gripe is sometimes i will like more than one chord but if i choose one chord i lose the other because its making a new suggestion.

Just a quick one.

Is midi out broken since 2.5? I can’t route scalers midi out to another track anymore in Ableton.

How to reproduce:

  • A midi track with scaler
  • Create a second midi track and use the other track with scaler as the Midi input

EDIT: my fault, it’s working, see some post later.

Mac OS 10.13.6 Ableton Live 11 Scaler 2.5 — No problems with routing.
What are you using - Windows/Mac? Ableton Live Version? DAW and version?

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My mistake. I had two scalers loaded, I used the wrong window. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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By the way.

I love this plugin and hope it will be maintained and enhanced forever. I’m always willing to pay for an upgrade when needed, full support. :slight_smile:

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Beautiful piece, sir.


I understand you: I do this mistake quite often :crazy_face:
A better way to characterizing multiple Scaler windows, using different colors for example, could be very useful indeed

If you are in Live just name the track Scaler A, Scaler B , Etc. Makes it easy.

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Yes, it works!
With the 1st of the series, and a bit of Suggest feature to add some chords, a pinkfloydian tune jumped out :grinning:
I will post it tomorrow

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I could not wait for your Floydish song, so I released my new one. All the chords (synths, piano), bass, etc. were done by Scaler 2.4.1.