Do I really need MMO?

I thought you might get on with that. It’s very powerful and very cool.

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@ClaudioPorcellana Bitwig is the dogs bollocks for me :+1:t2:

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mmm another cool British slang learned

anyway, so far the Xpand!2 and the Garritan World Instruments are the only 2 multitimbral plugins I have, and both work amazingly with MMO

the BBCSO is not multitimbral, but it works anyway

the Opus Pop Brass doesn’t work, but maybe I didn’t find the correct way to have it working

There must be a way to set it’s MIDI channel. What happens if you route Scaler to it on Channel 1?

Looking at the Walkthrough it looks like the phrases are just push one key with key Switches on the left side. And maybe manual playing on the right side. Scaler would only be good for the manual playing. You would need to block the keys below that area. Just a quick guess based on walkthrough.

I don’t think you are. MVO (Multi Voice Out) has nothing to do with so called, multi-timbral players (Kontak, SINE, etc). Those players can host multiple patches and access them through different midi channels. This has nothing to do with what MVO is doing and we could do this in the past with Scaler. What we can now do with MVO is direct a particular note (probably better called Single Note Output) to any instrument. If that instrument happens to live inside Kontak, great, but it could live anywhere. I use BBC all the time with this setup. I also use it with SINE and Kontak. I’m not sure how people got confused, but it seems a lot are. Or maybe we are. :slight_smile:

A typical MVO setup for me looks like this:

Track 1 - playing a Scaler instrument and a performance with a bass note I like
Track 2 - a synth and a bass sequence patch being driven by the Scaler above set to MVO Channel 2 so it is sending the synth the lowest note of the chord.

Now I get the Scaler performance combined with the synth base sequence being driven by Scaler. It works brilliantly.



It’s all going to depend on what DAW you use and how it’s MIDI routing works. I’m not much of a Live users so I can’t really help there.

But just because BBCSO is not multi-timbral doesn’t mean you couldn’t make use of the Multi Output mode of Scaler. You can create multiple instances of BBCSO. And within each instance you can set the MIDI input to that instance to a particular channel. By default, it will just accept any channel coming in, or Omni as it’s usually called. But you can set each instance to respond to only a single MIDI channel as well.
Once you’ve done that you just have to send the MIDI output of Scaler to every instance you wish of BBCSO to generate the chord or whatever Scaler is outputing. How you split that data and send it to multiple instances of the same plug in will vary by DAW. I can tell you how to do it in Cubase/Nuendo, but I suspect that won’t help you much. :slight_smile:

The other beauty of Scalers design with this feature is that if it’s not of use you to, no problem, just don’t use it. Pretend it’s not there because even when the feature is turned on in preferences, you still get the full output just like normal on MIDI channel 1.

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Hi @RBIngraham I have killed ableton :grin:
now I use Bitwig :boom:

anyway, using multiple BBCSO Discover instances is a mess, so I found a better (easier) way to use them
I’ll do a tutorial when I find some time

I called it MMO, not MVO
I think they are different things, but maybe I’m wrong
in any case changing you setup a bit:
Track 1 - playing a Scaler instrument and a performance
Track 2 - an orchestral stuff being driven by the Scaler above set to MMO for all Channels so it is sending the proper (bass, middle, high) MIDI signals to all instruments

I can do that with Xpand!2, not with BBCSO Discover, even if I could be able with their major version, I can do it with Garritan, I cannot do it with Opus Brass

anyway, the reply to my own question is: yes I need it

I think in Scaler terms it is Multi Voice Output because it is outputting the voices of the chord (i.e. the notes) on separate channels.

MVO, of course refers to voicing multi part arrangements (SATB:- Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass), but as Shakespear once said, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

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OK, whatever works for you. Multiple instances of BBC SO is pretty much necessary and standard operating procedure for any orchestral composers, so we’re just used to it.

They are the same thing, the difference is that MMO is your name for it and MVO is the developers name for it. You would be confusing new users to insist they are different things. Both are correct but both mean essentially the same thing.


OK, I’ll use MVO then

Wait till I explain that yours is the more accurate description.

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well, I’ll change it again then