Binding Pad to 8x8 Grid

As I was thinking about this, I realized that at some point I did solve this need with Scaler 2 as is.
You can actually lasso in section C all the patterns, so that they map continuously to the MIDI keyboard, each chord can be recalled by consecutive MIDI notes, like so…

Put your 8x8 chords/progressions into the section C matrix (fill the 7 patterns), then go into EDIT mode in section C. Then you click and drag a rectangle around the “Pattern” buttons on the left (also called “Lasso”)

By default, the consecutive chord pads in section C, across patterns/rows are now mapped to MIDI keys, by default from C2 on…


But you can move the keyboard mapping around with the Settings menu…


If you now set your scale on your 8x8 MIDI controller to Cmaj or Amin, so that it only maps the white piano keys to its pads, you can press a pad and get a corresponding chord, from the 8x8 section C matrix in Scaler. Works well for me on Maschine Jam.
